The Whole Big Family Together for Playful Photos
It is currently 27° on Long Island. Blah! Too cold for the whole big family together for playful photos. As a result, I find myself pining for the perfectly balmy days of October and early November. It seemed like they would never end. Alas, here we are suffering through the cold and grey counting days until the spring starts to green things up.
Anniversary gift for Grandma and Grandpa
Together with their partners, the adult kids had the great idea of getting grandma and grandpa a portrait session of the whole family. Happily the whole fam showed up with big smiles on their faces ready to spend some quality time together. Notably, these sessions are great because it’s an opportunity to make lovely portraits of all the combinations of family members.
To begin with, we get the whole darn family together as one big unit. Then each family gets time together in front of the camera. Additionally, grandma and grandpa get a portrait, a portrait of the grandkids is made as well as the grandkids with grandma and grandpa. Plus we can even get the adult kids with and without the parents. All in all, the gallery will be filled with lots of photos that tell the story of your family.
Playful Feel
Of course I make sure to get classic everyone smiling at the camera portraits, but the real magic comes when everyone lets loose. With the cousins, it’s a breeze. Simply put little kids together and they will do cute things like giggle and make faces. Then I have a few prompts that I like to use that allow the group to be playful. These always elicit natural smiles and good energy.
One example is lining the kids up in front of the adults and having them run toward me on the count of three. The kids think this is so much fun and yields great playful happy shots. Another idea is to have the kids throw leaves is always a winner. They love it and it marks the season.
In conclusion, family sessions that include the whole extended family make meaningful gifts that will be appreciated for years. For your review, here is another whole big family session, this time on the beach.