Every once in awhile, a client comes in and reminds you that what you do is actually incredibly important. I say on my website that everyone has a story to tell, and that I love being the one to help tell it. Well, this handsome guy came with a story. It’s his story to tell, so I won’t share all his details but I will say that this man has been through a lot both physically and mentally. After enduring more than anyone should have, he picked up the pieces and took control of his life. He remembered who he was, and who he wanted to become…and then he made it happen.
He inspires me.
With all of this in mind, his images took on new importance. They became the proof of his life transformation. They became the representation of the hours and hours of hard work that he put into himself. He did it for himself and he did it for his family, as well as his career, and now he has the photos to prove it. I am so thrilled to have met him, and so honored that I was able to give him a finished product that proved to him that he’s achieved something that he set out to do.
It’s a reminder for all of us that it’s worth it to put the time and effort into ourselves.