It’s a long way from the plains of Montana to the city streets of New York City, but this family made the trek! They wanted a photoshoot that was quintessentially “New York” when they were visiting, and my first thought was the place with those iconic Manhattan skylines: Gantry Plaza State Park. It’s a twelve acre paradise on the East River side, and the views are truly unbeatable. It is one of my favorite places to take visitors, because it never fails to take your breath away. It has a beautiful array of manicured gardens and a special fountain, and the atmosphere is so relaxing, it’s perfect for walking around as well. It was the right spot for this happy foursome, and I loved the little pop of rich purple that mom dressed them in. Their girls are so beautiful and they truly love one another.
Something else that made this a great location for this family is a pretty funny story! We were wrapping up the session and I offered them a shot with the famous Pepsi sign in the park. I mentioned how it was pretty iconic, and they proceeded to tell me how dad’s father actually worked in the Pepsi factory in their hometown in Montana for twenty-five years. It was kismet, I tell you!
I hope they make their way back to the city soon, so we can cross paths again!