Many of us parents, as we speak, are in the process of our babies leaving the nest! What an unique time of our lives, when we are getting ready to send those high school seniors off on their own in just a few months. It is a time filled with lots of big feelings and emotions, and although we are excited as parents, it’s hard to let go of these people who have been our whole universe for years. It feels like one second they are babies, then, “BOOM, good luck, head out in the world!”
Maybe that is a little dramatic, but hey, it feels pretty dramatic!
Of course, the emotions and feelings of this special milestone make senior photos all the more special and meaningful. They capture the years of childhood and nostalgia, with the anticipation of the future. I am so thrilled for seniors like this young lady, and all the promise of her incredibly bright future. If you’re looking for a senior photographer, please let me know!