When you first have children, you assume you will love your own children to pieces, but what no one tells you about becoming a mother or a part of a parenting community, is how much love you will have for the other children in your life as well. I have been so lucky to watch my son’s friends grow up alongside him, and go through the same stages of life and milestones. It makes me so proud to be a part of their lives, too, and makes being a mom even more special. For example, I have known this guy since he was just three years old, and now he is fourteen and not so little anymore!

So, it was extra special to get to make these photographs of him. We got to spend a little time together, and I got to ask him all those nosy mom questions about school and sports and friends. The best part was, these photos were taken in honor of his bar mitzvah that was postponed during 2020. These will be an extra-special reminder for his family of who he is becoming, and who he is at this moment in time. I plan to add these to my portfolio, and on my website, so that these portraits will remind me of how much I enjoy being part of his life.

Boulder Denver Boy senior photos wall poseBoulder Denver Boy senior photos bar mitzvahBoulder Denver Boy senior photos wide angleBoulder Denver Boy senior photos train trackBoulder Denver Boy senior photos alleyBoulder Denver Boy senior photos archesBoulder Denver Boy senior photos sitting poseBoulder Denver Boy senior photos 14 year oldBoulder Denver Boy senior photos leaning poseBoulder Denver Boy senior photos hoodieBoulder Denver Boy senior photos red smoke

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