I remember being in the exact same season of life as this family is right now! I had a three year old daughter, and I was pregnant with baby number two. I was filled with the same anticipation and nervousness that come with welcoming that second baby. This session brought back all those happy memories, and feelings!
It’s so interesting because that first baby really changes things for you as a person and mom and dad as a couple…it puts life in a blender and is the nothing looks the same kind of change. That first baby gets everyones undivided attention and is used to the world revolving around her. Now a new baby is going to join the mix and her whole world is going to change. For the better of course, but she might not realize that right away! Nevertheless, the adjustment period passes, and life resumes again.
So, I think it’s wonderful that mom took the time to have this fun portrait session where she got to be the center of attention and the whole day revolved around her at least one more time before the new babe makes his exciting appearance!