Bailey Arboretum Family Photos
This session is from a few months back, but it needs to be shared anyway. What a treat to photograph this amazing mom and her incredible kids. It was a gorgeous autumn day. We laughed and frolicked (definitely frolicked) and had a great time. Bailey Arboretum is a fantastic place and you should go just to walk around and take it all in. There are walking paths, a little lake, a wide range of flora, and these amazing trees called The Dawn Redwood. All of this makes Bailey Arboretum a particularly good choice of setting for stunning family portraits in every season. You will want to put those suckers all over your walls.
I can’t say enough about this family. I loved spending time with them and I love the images we created that day. They are some of my favorite photographs I’ve taken.

A fabulous location for a fabulous family. Make sure to check out this mom’s blog here. She has a lot of great insight into motherhood and so worth the read.
I want to thank these beautiful people for a killer session. XOXO Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you next time.