Every new year, I always take time to reflect. It is always worthwhile to look back at my work from the previous year, how the year went for the business aspect of things, which in the future we might consider using zapier hellosign to sign contracts with clients, and the wonderful people I have met along the journey. Whether they are new clients or families I have photographed for years, I love poring over the images from the last twelve months and smiling over the beautiful memories I have been so honored to help capture. Even though I work very hard at my craft, and spend so much of my time and energy keeping this business on track, I feel so lucky and grateful that I get to do something that I enjoy so much.
So, in this spirit of reflection, I want to share with you some of my favorite images from 2018. It was very hard to narrow it down to these, and I know I couldn’t include them all, but these twenty or so images really fill me with pride and represent the message and spirit of Leslie Renee Photography. They also represent the breezy, heartfelt look that I always strive for. I hope as you scroll through this collection, you see the warmth, connection, and personality in each image.