Rediscovering Film Photography | Long Island Natural Light Portrait Photographer
She’s here! My very special new friend arrived in the mail today. No I’m not getting a mail order bride. My new bestie is a Nikon FM circa 1980. She is a film camera. Now I haven’t worked a film camera in over fifteen years and I haven’t used an SLR film camera in almost twenty. This is going to be an adventure! And it’s an adventure that I am sharing with you.
You might be wondering why someone would mess with the hassles of rediscovering film photography when we have the convenience of digital these days. It has been suggested in multiple photography circles that going back to basics, and stopping relying on the safety of digital, can only increase a photographer’s skill. Well, I am always looking to push myself and be the best possible photographer I can be, so of course I am in. And I have to say, I was as excited to get this thirty-five year old $90 camera as I was to get my professional grade dslr that cost way way more. I absolutely squealed with joy when I saw the package on my front steps. But, then again, who doesn’t love a new toy.
Here she is; isn’t she adorable!

I’ve got her loaded with black and white and she’s all ready to go. I just need to take that first snap. Over the next week, I will be choosing my moments carefully to use up my 24 roll. I’m crazy curious to see how applying everything I know and use in digital photography to film works.
Challenges I will face:
- Using a hand held light meter
- Using Manual Focus
- Not having and LCD screen
The first two challenges will significantly slow down the process of making a photograph. The last strips me of any reassurance that the process went well.
As soon as I have something to share, I will share it there. Welcome to Film Fridays. Thank you for joining me on this journey in rediscovering film photography.