I have a few solid color backdrops that I use in my studio here in Oceanside for headshots. I let the client choose, but what usually happens is that we choose together based what clothes they bring. Sometime people will show up in what they want to wear and not bring anything else (these people are usually men LOL), but I encourage my clients to bring a few things so that we can pick everything together based on what will look good on the selected backdrop. And also, it’s nice to change so that they get more variety and different looks.
For instance, this lovely young lady wanted something simple and straightforward for a headshot she needed to submit to local theater. She wore a long sleeve white shirt against the dark grey backdrop, and the effect is soft and pretty and allows her to pop in the image. Then, she brought this crazy cool, almost-retro lavender dress that she wore also against the dark grey and it looks amazing! She looks so cool and very modelesque.
Take that extra minute to think about what you want to wear in your headshots. It will make a positive difference!