Dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music, and it has the additional merit
of being human and palpable. Dancing is poetry with arms and legs. -Charles Baudelaire
Kids need professional headshots for a variety of reasons, but dance or acting are usually high on the list. I love when kids of all ages come to me for this reason, because photographing children is such a joy. I love bringing out their personalities and passions in their studio shoots.
My talented little friend here specifically needed a black and white photograph for an upcoming dance competition. I felt so lucky, and met her at my studio for a quick and fun headshot session. She always has a big smile for me, and was up for trying adventurous dance poses. She’s such a strong athlete, and the things she can do totally blew my mind. Dancers are beautiful and strong. I especially love creating shots that not only work for professional portraits, but will also serve to remind her of her hard work and expertise at this point in what I’m sure will be a lengthy career.
If you or someone you know needs headshots, please let me know and we can get you scheduled!